Oslo is pretty great when it’s sunny out. Maybe not when you are sleeping (see above), but it is nice to see everyone come out and enjoy the weather when it permits.
Oslo is pretty great when it’s sunny out. Maybe not when you are sleeping (see above), but it is nice to see everyone come out and enjoy the weather when it permits.
As soon as you see the gate to the park, the scale of it is obvious. This park is massive and monumental. I took a walk through it the other day and I was blown away. If it were in Canada it would be pot smoking location #1. But, since pot here is practically heroin it was only full of asian tourists, Norwegians “enjoying the weather” and no pot smoking Canadians.
We went drinking at some friends place for another friends birthday and then went out with many friends to some bar where we stayed for half a beer (roughly the time it takes kat to drink a vodka sprite and a shot).
[mygal=norwayplanes] I had three planes. The first picture is from over Norway. The Second wing pic is over the UK and the third is over Finland.
So I appologize, because I have so many photos to upload and I am just such a lazy bastard that I havn’t posted any of them. Tonight was madness. I didn’t have a camera but I will just list the people I saw and you can imagine photos of them. Julia, Jocie, Amy, Brooker, Emma, … Read moreBye Bye Bistro
[mygal=adicolor] Adicolor Toronto was pretty fun. The bartenders were a little sassy, but they were giving away free beer–so what-evs. They got one of the guys from Fighting and some other artist-guy to do up custom adicolor t-shirts. What else? Oh ya, those Keith Haring shoes are hot. [mygal=shoes]
[mygal=duncans] Yo, where’s the beef!?
[mygal=fiesta] Apparently I was the only one who got the whole “this is a Mexican themed party” memo. I shaved special for the event and I even wore sandals–well I tried at least. I accidently brought two left feet. Who knew that taking two pairs of free Malibu branded flip-flops would ever have a downside? … Read moreMexican Fiesta
Kenny vs. Spenny is quite possibly the funniest Toronto-born comedy on TV since Kids In The Hall. Filmed here, KVS pits “best friends” Kenny Hotz and Spencer “Spenny” Rice against each other in a number of oddball competitions. The contests range from ‘Who Can Stay Naked The Longest’, to ‘Who Do Kids Like The Most’. The lloser gets humiliated on television in a manner of the winner’s choosing.
As popularity for the show grows, the two stars are finding themselves recognized more and more. Kenny, for example, is at the awkward celebrity phase of not being able to skip the line at The Boat, while the entire line recognizes him and congratulates him on his fine show. “It’s getting crazy. But people are very nice,” says Spenny.
The show originally aired on CBC but never really found its place there. Eventually the show was pulled and later adopted by Showcase. Spenny explains, “the show was too wild for CBC. Once they accidentally ran one of our promos in the toddler block and they received a lot of complaints.”
Recently returning to Toronto to film the third season of KVS, Spenny and Kenny were kind enough to answer a few questions I had for them. I warn you, some of the answers they gave were quite offensive.
[mygal=gamekillers] Me and Kat met the gamekillers last night. The new Axe campaign has this whole ‘bigger than just a commercial’ thing going on. They played a funny short film about one guy getting his game killed-on, over the course of five dates. But the real celebrities: Mr. Open Bar and Mrs. Artichoke Dip!
[mygal=housesitting] I guess we were also kind of cat-sitting. That there in the orange is Watson.
[mygal=preloved] These pics are a few days late, but still worth posting. It was the same day that we drank in Trinity Bellwoods. Afterwards we hit a party at Preloved. Shit Le Merde DJ’d and some band played also. They served some sangria, two flavours of St. Ambroise, and some vegitarian snacks.
[mygal=medieval] me·di·e·val also me·di·ae·val – Pronunciation Key (md-vl, md-, m-dvl) adj. also Medieval 1. Relating or belonging to the Middle Ages. 2. Informal. Old-fashioned; unenlightened: parents with a medieval attitude toward dating.
[mygal=trinity] It seems that drinking in the park season is now on. Oh sweet sweet Trinity Bellwoods.
Also: Water is wet and puppies are cute.
In case anyone else wants me and my girlfriend as their desktop (which would be weird).
[mygal=camsbday] Thursday night was spent celebrating another year of Cam, taking long exposure photographs, and crawling Queen. I think I ran into every single customer I’ve ever served. I guess they all eat on college and party on queen. Hip!
[mygal=kenny] Saw Kenny on the roof of the drake talking to some rich looking people. He said he had just gotten back to Toronto to film the third season of Kenny vs. Spenny. I was downstairs at the Omy, Magazine launch party and had come up for a smoke.
[mygal=jetfuelbigcups] It was as if they were afraid we wouldn’t be able to finish 14 kegs fast enough so they equiped us with these massive cups. They had to be two pints of awesome at the least. The party wasn’t quite as nuts as last year where the 13 kegs were done by 11. I … Read moreJet Fueled
Tonight I’m going to the massive kegger at Jet Fuel with Kat and Janek and maybe some others. I’ll post pics of course. For now, here are pics from last year and the year before. It’s their 14th year which means 14 kegs. 12 and 13 were pretty out of hand.
[mygal=elmo_combo] We went to this private birthday party at the el macombo friday night. I didn’t know the birthday girl and I’m not sure I ever met her. The party was in this nice back room at the elmo on the second floor. There were these loverly drapes and couches and plastic martini cups. The … Read moreElmo Combo
[mygal=marchbdays] These three mofos just had birthdays and I didn’t see any of them. I am a bad friend. Happy birthday guys!